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New Teas­er «Lost» Out Now

18 March 2022

Dust of Soul present «Lost», a very deep and mean­ing­ful project with an impor­tant mes­sage: «I’m not lost, I trust myself». New teas­er out now! 

After their very suc­cess­ful video pro­duc­tion «Won­der­land», Dust of Soul fea­tures again the Swiss dance crew «Radioac­tive Dance­crew» in their lat­est video pro­duc­tion of the song «Lost». This time, the sto­ry and mes­sage go even deeper. 

Dust of Soul ask: «Are you Lost? Why do you lis­ten to the whis­per­ing ghosts? Lis­ten to your heart. Fol­low your soul… Believe in your­self and your way, always. We are not Lost. Trust Yourself.»

Com­ing Next: «Lost». Watch the first teas­er now:

Dust of Soul – Lost (Offi­cial Teas­er) – Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

The new music video will release next!

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