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Song «Believe» in Tunis Radio «Express FM»

13 September 2015

We need to believe in our­selves and our heart. We need to fol­low our heart and nev­er stop in between of our dream. Then, our own unique way will become possible.

Dust of Soul, Believe, à l’Express FM… ” – These were the words intro­duc­ing the broad­cast pre­miere of the song “Believe” by mod­er­a­tor Aymen Tal­bi at the Tunisian radio sta­tion ‘Express FM’. What an hon­our for Dust of Soul to play the first pro­duced song for the first time in the North African coun­try Tunisia in the radio. Three years after Dust of Soul final­ly out­grew by the encounter of Vocal­ist Dusty and Pianist MiKey, the song inspired by Tunisia was played live on air to an audi­ence of over 180,000 lis­ten­ers dur­ing the Sat­ur­day morn­ing pro­gram ‘Expres­so Week End’ – one of the most lis­tened pro­gram on radio Express FM’s peak air­time.
Dust of Soul was first intro­duced on the Radio Express FM one week before the leg­endary 5th Sep­tem­ber 2015 by Walid Ben Rhouma, also mod­er­a­tor at the radio sta­tion. Vocal­ist Dusty and Pianist MiKey were invit­ed by Walid Ben Rhouma to the same pro­gram ‘Expres­so Week End’ to intro­duce them­selves to the Tunisian pub­lic with their actu­al con­cert night in Les Berges du Lac.
One week lat­er, the Swiss Duo was suc­cess­ful in pro­duc­ing their first two songs and music video in Tunisia with the title song “Believe” fea­tur­ing Cel­list Mohamed Amine Ben Smi­da from the Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra Tunisia. The emo­tions were over-whelm­ing when the Aymen Tal­bi announced the song to be played live on air.

«We are very hap­py to see you today here with your first CD and it is an hon­our for us to have thee Song «Believe» played for the first time in a radio. Let’s hear it… Dust of Soul, Believe, à l’Express FM»

— Aymen Tal­ib, Radio Express FM

Right after the radio inter­view at Express FM and the world pre­miere song broad­cast, Dust of Soul was invit­ed to the Tunis radio sta­tion. Mod­er­a­tor Mon­cef Labi­adh fol­lowed Dust of Soul on their activ­i­ties after the Peace Con­cert and ini­ti­at­ed a pro­gram for the Swiss Duo to intro­duce their first CD to the lis­ten­ers of RTCI.
The reac­tions were amaz­ing and Dust of Soul cel­e­brat­ed after their debut anoth­er pub­lic appear­ance in the radio sta­tion ‘RTCI’. Mod­er­a­tor Mon­cef Labi­adh invit­ed Dust of Soul to the Ger­man speak­ing pro­gram “RTCI Mul­ti­kul­ti” on Sat­ur­day after­noon, on the 5th Sep­tem­ber 2015. There Dusty & MiKey were sur­prised with each a bou­quet of flow­ers hand­ed over dur­ing the program.

Dust of Soul loves to thank every­one at the radio sta­tions Express FM and RTCI Tunis for these great inter­views, to Mon­cef Labi­adh, Mod­er­a­tor at RTCI Tunis, for inter­view­ing Dust of Soul twice, on Fri­day, the 28th August and Sat­ur­day, the 5th Sep­tem­ber 2015, espe­cial­ly to Walid Ben Rhouma, Mod­er­a­tor of the radio sta­tion Express FM (see pho­to­graph on the bot­tom right), who did the first inter­view with Dust of Soul on Sat­ur­day, 29th August 2015 about the sto­ry of the Swiss Duo, and to the staff (see pho­to­graph on the bot­tom mid­dle), and Aymen Tal­bi, also Mod­er­a­tor at Express FM, who inter­viewed Dusty and MiKey about the first CD release.

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