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HEAL Online Expo 2024 with Dust of Soul

17 August 2024

“Dust of Soul is part of the HEAL Online Expo 2024 with an exten­sive inter­view and to share a Soul Song chan­nel­ing expe­ri­ence with the HEAL audience.

Join the HEAL audi­ence start­ing August 19th, 2024 for a sci­en­tif­ic and ener­getic jour­ney to dis­cov­er how your thoughts and beliefs affect our abil­i­ty to heal, learn nat­ur­al immune boost­ing strate­gies, sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly proven drug-free reverse aging tools, stem cell regen­er­a­tion, expe­ri­ence ener­gy heal­ing and more!

San­dra Biskind is CEO of Glob­al Soul Spir­i­tu­al Men­tor­ship & co-founder of the PLATINUM LIFE INSTITUTE: “Dur­ing the HEAL Online Expo you will expe­ri­ence the heal­ing wis­dom of our world-class experts com­bined with high-fre­quen­cy divine ener­gy. You will learn how to stop sim­ply treat­ing the symp­toms and start heal­ing from the inside out. Our inten­tion is to bring you some­thing so unique and pro­found that you are cer­tain to imme­di­ate­ly feel a heal­ing shift in your body, mind and spir­it. Are you ready for a life­time of bet­ter health?”

«Recent sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies reveal that your genes are respon­si­ble for less than 10% of your over­all health. So if hered­i­ty isn’t caus­ing your pain, what is? Your body’s abil­i­ty to heal is greater than any­one has allowed you to believe.»


San­dra con­tin­ues: “Did you know that your beliefs are more pow­er­ful than your genes? Genet­ic deter­min­ism is the idea that you are des­tined to get the dis­eases that run in your fam­i­ly but that’s based on very lim­it­ed sci­ence. The field of epi­ge­net­ics has proven that your envi­ron­ment and beliefs are more pow­er­ful at affect­ing how the genes are expressed than the genes them­selves. The envi­ron­ment affect­ing your cells is cre­at­ed by your thoughts, beliefs, diet, phys­i­cal behav­iors and more.

Fly­er HEAL Online Expo 2024 with Dust of Soul

Change your thoughts about healing

The HEAL expe­ri­ence, brings you the wis­dom of experts in their field of heal­ing with soul enrich­ment exer­cis­es and a roadmap to achiev­ing bet­ter health. Our inten­tion is to bring you some­thing so unique and pro­found that you are cer­tain to imme­di­ate­ly feel a heal­ing shift in your body, mind and spirit.

Gain access to some of the most high­ly sought after minds of our time, join the med­i­ta­tions, deep dive into the Self-Inquiries, feel the ener­gy, raise your fre­quen­cy and expe­ri­ence the heal­ing shifts in your life.”

«If we could appre­ci­ate the things we need to change in our lives con­scious­ly, our bod­ies wouldn’t need to cre­ate phys­i­cal symp­toms to get our attention.»

— Dr. Chris­tiane Northrup

Chan­neled Soul Song by Dust of Soul

Known for Dust of Soul’s pow­er­ful piano melodies and dis­tinc­tive, strong voice, the band per­forms intu­itive­ly, blend­ing inspi­ra­tion and chan­nel­ing in their music. Dust of Soul’s chan­neled music aims to heal and uplift, rais­ing vibra­tions and acti­vat­ing the soul frequency. 

EP 15: Me First Means Singing Songs From Your Soul With Dusty | Doc­tor Brea Offi­cial YouTube channel

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