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Tas­ten­träume at the Lake, at Cin­e­ma, at Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum

23 December 2020

It is 2020 and Dust of Soul is per­form­ing with a Grand Piano “Live at the Lake” on a beau­ti­ful late sum­mer evening in Lucerne. And right in a movie the­ater for a live per­for­mance after a music video pre­miere. As well as at the renowned “Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum” in Zurich. Always in their midst: the key dream Grand Piano.

Dust of Soul has been work­ing with the Aarau based music store A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­mente in Buchs since 2016 – known as «Tastenträume.ch». Both rely on the unique­ness of the noble key­board instru­ment and its cen­turies-old, unmis­tak­able sound: the Grand Piano. The Grand Piano has been on tour with Dust of Soul for eight years. Rain­er Zulauf has been sell­ing it in his shop for 25 years. So for a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry the own­er and man­ag­er has made count­less key dreams come true. He has already received numer­ous awards for his com­mit­ment and his work: As in 2018, when he won the EMIDA Euro­pean Music Instru­ment Deal­er Award in the “Best Store Con­cept” category.

Pow­er Play­er. Pow­er Partner.

For the 25th anniver­sary, the piano man­u­fac­tur­er Yama­ha pre­sent­ed Rain­er Zulauf with a very spe­cial award. We con­grat­u­late Rain­er on this great achieve­ment and his hon­or­able work.

At Dust of Soul, we can expe­ri­ence key dreams again and again. When pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as «MiKey», plays on a Tas­ten­träume-Grand Piano, the new Opera/Pop songs from Dust of Soul shine.

This year 2020, Dust of Soul per­formed with the Grand Piano in very spe­cial places: in the fresh sea air, for exam­ple. And in the cinema.

Open Air Live at the Lake

The warm sum­mer evening of the 20th August was per­fect for the Coro­na-com­pli­ant con­cept of «Live Music by the Lake». In coop­er­a­tion with the Sun­set Bar and the Hotel See­burg Lucerne, Dust of Soul made it pos­si­ble to realise a con­cert on Lucerne’s Jesuit­en­platz in the See­burg Gar­den. On the stage the white Tas­ten­träume-Grand Piano shone with all its pride in the sun­set. The scenery was absolute­ly unique and unparalleled.

Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum Live Shows

Every year, inter­na­tion­al entre­pre­neurs from the retail trade with a focus on shop­ping cen­ters meet in Zurich. Every year, the forum picks out the best con­cepts. Dust of Soul was with the Tas­ten­träume-Grand Piano present high­light­ing sev­er­al shows dur­ing the day with the singer and the pianist. A black fin­ished con­cert Grand Piano by Yama­ha was staged. «Opera/Pop meets shop­ping». The 2020 edi­tion was in the per­cep­tion of full full first man and new ideas. Thanks at this point to the ini­tia­tor, Jan Tan­ner. Read more about the Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2020.

Musik Video Pre­miers & Live Per­for­mance at the cinema

The big high­light in 2020: Post­poned sev­er­al times due to the coro­na pan­dem­ic, the Dust of Soul cin­e­ma event, which was eager­ly await­ed in spring, final­ly took place in Sep­tem­ber. Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed their lat­est music videos «Smile» and «Music Love». Both were pro­duced in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Indi­an per­form­ers and artists. In addi­tion, the shoot­ing took place in Jan­u­ary 2020 in Mum­bai, India (read more about the shoot­ing).

The cin­e­ma was filled with emo­tions: ten­sion, joy, inspi­ra­tion and moti­va­tion. But there was also a sur­prise and a jam. Dust of Soul man­aged to touch and enchant their audi­ence. Not only on the cin­e­ma screen: direct­ly in the cin­e­ma hall, they per­formed their new songs live on the Tas­ten­träume-Grand Piano while play­ing back the music video on the cin­e­ma screen. These new songs are the first sin­gle releas­es from the new album expect­ed in 2021. Read more about the cin­e­ma event.

Dust of Soul überzeugt mit ihren einzi­gar­ti­gen Shows und Sto­rys bere­its seit acht Jahren. Nun ste­ht 2021 vor der Tür und die Pläne sind gröss­er als jemals zuvor. Wir sind ges­pan­nt, auf welche Büh­nen uns Dust of Soul als näch­stes führt. Wohin sie ihre Tas­ten­träume als näch­stes brin­gen. Eines ist klar: Dust of Soul wer­den immer für «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» ste­hen und mit Fre­un­den ihren Weg gehen. Denn Fre­und­schaft ist die stärk­ste Kraft.

Dust of Soul has been con­vinc­ing for eight years with its unique shows and sto­ries. Now 2021 is just around the cor­ner and the plans are big­ger than ever. We are excit­ed to see which stages Dust of Soul will take us next. Where to take your Tas­ten­träume next. One thing is clear: Dust of Soul will always spread «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» and go their way with friends. Because friend­ship is the strongest force.

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