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Por­trait by Amer­i­can Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Der­rick Feole

26 February 2014

Amer­i­can Der­rick Feole por­trayed Dust of Soul as the first pho­tog­ra­ph­er inno­v­a­tive and authen­tic vision­ar­ies with their approach to ele­gance and the exquis­ite pic­tured mag­i­cal­ly in the time­less Grand­ho­tel Giessbach

A new por­trait of Dust of Soul pre­miered the appear­ance of Vocal­ist Sask­ia Stäu­ble, also known as Dusty, and Pianist Michael Oder­matt, also known as MiKey, in 2014. Amer­i­can pho­tog­ra­ph­er Der­rick Feole por­trayed the Swiss Duo in the per­fect loca­tion: a mys­ti­cal fairy­tale cas­tle as a sign for time­less­ness and respect towards great archi­tec­ture and imag­i­na­tion on the coun­try­side of Switzer­land on the foot of a moun­tain over­look­ing one of Switzerland’s most won­der­ful lakes. The Grand­ho­tel Giess­bach is one of Europe’s most great­est his­toric hous­es kept in all its beau­ty and ele­gance. The set­ting looks like in a movie and was authen­ti­cal­ly and espe­cial­ly nat­u­ral­ly cap­tured by the Boston photographer.

Dust of Soul is known to always give con­certs with an acoustic Grand Piano every­where in the world. There­fore a Boston con­cert piano was the star of the scenery next to the Swiss Duo. Fur­ther­more does Dust of Soul speak of ele­gance and the exquis­ite which is why Dusty & MiKey are dressed classy and fine. Ital­ian Haute Cou­ture design­er Cle­ofe Finati by Arche­tipo dress­es Pianist MiKey with a mag­i­cal black suit.

«A pho­to­graph is more than just a pho­to. It tells a sto­ry and even sings a song»

— Dust of Soul

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