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MiKey with MiKey

First live stream «Piano with MiKey»

24 March 2021

Dust of Soul wel­come you to a new series of «Piano with MiKey». They take you onto a jour­ney with free impro­vised piano com­po­si­tions along with a strong Dust of Soul message. 

For the first time, on 24th March 2021, Dust of Soul was stream­ing Dust of Soul Pianist MiKey live on Face­book. Watch the live stream now here online:

Sup­port­ed by Tastenträ

The unique piano store in Buchs near Aarau – A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­mente GmbH – is ful­fill­ing piano dreams. Rain­er Zulauf, the own­er and CEO, sup­ports Dust of Soul with music instru­ments on live con­certs and for music pro­duc­tion. Also for the «Piano with MiKey» series is Dust of Soul for­tu­nate to use a dig­i­tal piano from Yama­ha. Expe­ri­ence more pianos on the offi­cial web­site: www.tastenträ

More episodes of the series «Piano with MiKey» are fol­low­ing very soon. Stay tuned and fol­low Dust of Soul here and on social media: Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter.

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