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«Saturday Jazz Night» The Bluebop Café Mumbai

Opera/Pop debut per­for­mance kicks off India Tour 2020

10 January 2020

Mum­bai is full of Bol­ly­wood, cul­ture – inter­na­tion­al artists bring­ing audi­ences to dif­fer­ent venues, clubs, and bars every sin­gle night. Every­where you see arts melt­ing, fusions aris­ing, encoun­ter­ing hap­pen­ing. Mum­bai is indeed a «melt­ing pot» of dif­fer­ences, sim­i­lar­i­ties, nov­el­ties, tra­di­tions, exper­i­men­ta­tions, and excite­ments. And Mum­bai is also the city where Dust of Soul appears live for the first time in India. 

Dust of Soul announced their per­for­mance debut in Mum­bai on 18th Jan­u­ary 2020 at The Blue­Bop Cafe.
«Fri­day Night Jazz» and «Sat­ur­day Night Jazz» always intro­duce new and pop­u­lar artists from all over the world. A stage that is wide­ly appre­ci­at­ed. Dust of Soul per­formed from their fresh and vibrant album «In Col­ors» and brought pos­i­tive vibes and sto­ry­telling into that leg­endary place.

Dust of Soul Live Opera Pop at The BlueBop Cafe Mumbai
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