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Swiss nation­al TV «SRF 1» show «Glanz & Gloria»

28 November 2017

Dust of Soul – for the past five years, the 36-year-old singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble and the 28-year-old pianist Michael Oder­matt have been mak­ing music as glo­be­trot­ters. They have already accom­plished more than 100 con­certs in eight coun­tries and four con­ti­nents. For a per­for­mance in Lucerne’s Château Gütsch, the two friends are once more in their Swiss home­land for a short time.

«A Swiss musi­cians duo and their rest­less artist life» – so the head­line of the tele­vi­sion pro­gram «Glanz & Glo­ria» of the Swiss Nation­al Tele­vi­sion SRF 1 about Dust of Soul. Under the show’s title – «Glanz & Glo­ria» with roy­al love, beau­ti­ful nude & Swiss Soul – was the theme of the pop­u­lar pop­u­lar show: “Behind every suc­cess­ful man is a strong woman, but that this woman can stand not only behind, but also next to or even in front of the man, we will prove to you today,” so the intro­duc­tion of the TV pre­sen­ter. Then the fol­low­ing reports were fea­tured: Prince Har­ry and his fiancé talk­ing about their wed­ding; A Swiss musi­cians duo and their rest­less artist life; Nude artist Christoph Aerni and his naked mod­el Nina Burri.

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