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A Swiss Song of Love for Oman

12 October 2016

On their third oman voy­age Dust of Soul give final touch­es to their song “Col­or of Oman” and are being invit­ed by the dai­ly news­pa­per and oman radio to talk about their lat­est project: the shoot­ing of a music video to the song

When Sask­ia Stäu­ble vis­it­ed the Sul­tanate about nine months ago, she felt some pos­i­tive ener­gy gush­ing forth with­in her. She had this unusu­al feel­ing as she was return­ing to her hotel with a friend and pianist, Michael Oder­matt. In the evening, they strolled on a beach and vis­it­ed some moun­tains. All the while, the oth­er­wise live­ly Sask­ia was sub­dued. She hard­ly uttered a word to her friend or the cab­bie who were try­ing to cheer her up. As they returned to the hotel in the evening, she began to weep for no rea­son. She pulled out a paper and pen, and scrib­bled a few words about what she felt…”This is how Yousuf Kabeer, a jour­nal­ist at Oman’s dai­ly news­pa­per, «Oman Dai­ly Observ­er», wrote to the heart of Dust of Soul. With touch­ing words about the sto­ry of “A Swiss Song of Love for Oman”, Dust of Soul told Kabeer how Oman inspired them and what the love song is about.Fascinated, Mr. Kabeer lis­tened to Saskia’s tales and Michael’s expe­ri­ences, which reached very per­son­al depths, and found the ori­gin of Dust of Soul. And how the two musi­cians became singer Dusty and pianist MiKey. But espe­cial­ly, it light­ened the back­ground of how the Swiss Music Duo Dust of Soul found the way to Oman. “The Col­or of Oman is Love” tells of this unique jour­ney and looks into the depths of Dust of Soul.

«Walk with me, the won­der­ful beach. Salt in the hair, run, run, you don’t care. Jump in the water, feel the wave. I know, you are so brave. You know, all what you have is your mem­o­ries. Let me see your eyes, then I see your soul.»

— Lyrics of the song ‘The Col­or of Oman is Love’

After the inter­view with Mr. Kabeer of the “Oman Dai­ly Observ­er” on Octo­ber 8th, the inter­view with reporter Lak­sh­mi Kothaneth of the “Oman Radio 90.4 FM” also fol­lowed at the City Sea­sons Hotel Mus­cat. Ms. Kothaneth brought Dust of Soul direct­ly to the Oman Radio 90.4 FM on Octo­ber 12, 2016, in her next pro­gram “Oman This Week”. This is the first time that Dust of Soul has pub­licly spo­ken about their lat­est lat­est project in Oman: the film­ing of their song “The Col­or of Oman is Love”. There­of shall a music video be cre­at­ed, which will be released in Novem­ber 2016. Learn every­thing about Dust of Soul in Oman in the radio interview.

Oman Observ­er, 9 Octo­ber 2016
Inter­view Radio Sul­tanate of Oman FM 90.4 FM Mus­cat, Oman | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

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