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Shopping Center Forum 2020 Radisson Blu Hotel, Zurich Airport

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er at the Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2020

7 September 2020

Dust of Soul are known for a mul­ti­fac­eted strong voice and incred­i­ble touch­ing melodies on the grand piano. Your new album “Dust of soul in col­ors” shows your diver­si­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty. Dust of soul accom­pa­nied this year’s swiss con­gress of the 13th shop­ping cen­ter forum 2020 with «Pos­i­tive Music Power».

This year’s Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2020 was post­poned from May 7th to Sep­tem­ber 3rd, 2020. It was the first busi­ness event since the lock­down at the Radis­son Blu Hotel, Zurich Air­port and for the Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum. The whole con­cept has been revised and adapt­ed to the lat­est pro­vi­sions of the BAG (Fed­er­al Office of Pub­lic Health). And shone with a well thought-out orga­ni­za­tion to pro­tect the par­tic­i­pants and guests.

Dust of soul at the Shopping Center Forum 2020 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Zurich Airport
Offi­cial Poster

Pos­i­tive Music Power

The mood was cheer­ful and inter­est­ed, but always with a lit­tle dis­tance, this was clear­ly felt. But what is life? Rebel­lion? Revolt? Obey? Or is it just wait­ing? In all hon­esty, we all don’t know for sure. Dust of Soul go ahead with Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er and advise mak­ing the best of every sit­u­a­tion. Not to be turned against each oth­er, for exam­ple with mask themes. Because respect for one anoth­er is impor­tant. Ulti­mate­ly, sep­a­rat­ing us all is a weak­ness that is exploited.

How­ev­er, the con­gress par­tic­i­pants at the sold-out event also exud­ed a lot of con­fi­dence. After all, shop­ping is about the expe­ri­ence, lifestyle, social life, valu­able time with fam­i­ly and friends. In dif­fi­cult times like this it is all the more impor­tant to pro­tect such oases. And to respond to peo­ple. The forum as well as that of the shop­ping cen­ter are all the more impor­tant as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for exchange and meeting.

Vision & reality

Fes­tiv­i­ties were also on the agen­da: The VICTOR LIFETIME AWARD was pre­sent­ed to Peter Lehmann and the VICTOR MARKETING AWARD to SIHLCITY in Zurich. The VICTOR LIFETIME AWARD has been giv­en to Swiss per­son­al­i­ties from the retail real estate indus­try since 2015. A spe­cial award for some­one who shapes the indus­try. For some­one with extra­or­di­nary ideas and skills, who turned a vision into real­i­ty and thus made a last­ing con­tri­bu­tion to the suc­cess of the Swiss shop­ping cen­ter indus­try. Read more here.

Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum

First and fore­most, the cre­ator of the Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum is Jan Tan­ner. He is the founder of the event and for­mer Pres­i­dent of the Swiss Coun­cil of Shop­ping Cen­ters at SHOPPING CENTER FORUM SWITZERLAND GMBH. He is also the man­ag­ing direc­tor of CR WERBEAGENTUR BASEL – “A lead­ing Swiss adver­tis­ing agency in Switzer­land”. With the SC-Forum he estab­lish­es the lead­ing spe­cial­ist con­fer­ence for the shop­ping cen­ter and retail indus­try in Switzer­land. Read more here.

Dust of Soul – only entertainment?

And Dust of Soul? Her style of Opera-Pop shows diver­si­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty, ten­sion and amaze­ment: Rous­ing pop songs, light bal­lads, ener­gy-charged rhythms and heart-touch­ing charm through Latin sounds. Def­i­nite­ly more than enter­tain­ment. And also “more than music”: Dust of Soul give con­certs, car­ry the music in their hearts. You are a moti­va­tion. Tell real sto­ries, such as the appear­ance on the birth­day of the Sul­tan of Oman, or the film­ing in the slums of India. You can use your ener­gy to cre­ate your own per­son­al song – com­posed live dur­ing the per­for­mance – pri­vate­ly for you or at your event. With ‘Music Soul­ing’ you define a new, unique music expe­ri­ence: Music becomes col­ors – and you will find new knowl­edge. And with their men­tal ‘Dust of Soul music train­ing’ they show how you can bring music to your side and feel its pow­er – in a train­ing ses­sion for every­one.
Con­tact Dust of Soul for more than entertainment. 

Shop­ping dreams

The inspir­ing Dust of Soul sto­ry is based on a great dream: to touch peo­ple all over the world with their music. Its cor­ner­stone was found­ed by singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as ‘Dusty’, a year before the duo’s for­ma­tion, which is still active today, in 2012. The duo’s pianist, Michael Oder­matt, known as ‘MiKey’, has big dreams of his own. The piano and music store A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­menten GmbH / ‘Tastenträ’ was the offi­cial piano part­ner with a large con­cert grand. A big thank you goes to man­ag­ing direc­tor and own­er Rain­er Zulauf. The huge show­room in Buchs b. Aarau has many key dreams in store. Do not hes­i­tate – it is a unique expe­ri­ence in Switzerland.

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