It is 2020 and Dust of Soul is performing with a Grand Piano “Live at the Lake” on a beautiful late summer evening in Lucerne. And right in a movie theater for a live performance after a music video premiere. As well as at the renowned “Shopping Center Forum” in Zurich. Always in their midst: the key dream Grand Piano.
Dust of Soul has been working with the Aarau based music store A-Zulauf Musikinstrumente in Buchs since 2016 – known as «Tastenträ». Both rely on the uniqueness of the noble keyboard instrument and its centuries-old, unmistakable sound: the Grand Piano. The Grand Piano has been on tour with Dust of Soul for eight years. Rainer Zulauf has been selling it in his shop for 25 years. So for a quarter of a century the owner and manager has made countless key dreams come true. He has already received numerous awards for his commitment and his work: As in 2018, when he won the EMIDA European Music Instrument Dealer Award in the “Best Store Concept” category.
Power Player. Power Partner.
For the 25th anniversary, the piano manufacturer Yamaha presented Rainer Zulauf with a very special award. We congratulate Rainer on this great achievement and his honorable work.
At Dust of Soul, we can experience key dreams again and again. When pianist Michael Odermatt, known as «MiKey», plays on a Tastenträume-Grand Piano, the new Opera/Pop songs from Dust of Soul shine.
This year 2020, Dust of Soul performed with the Grand Piano in very special places: in the fresh sea air, for example. And in the cinema.

Open Air Live at the Lake
The warm summer evening of the 20th August was perfect for the Corona-compliant concept of «Live Music by the Lake». In cooperation with the Sunset Bar and the Hotel Seeburg Lucerne, Dust of Soul made it possible to realise a concert on Lucerne’s Jesuitenplatz in the Seeburg Garden. On the stage the white Tastenträume-Grand Piano shone with all its pride in the sunset. The scenery was absolutely unique and unparalleled.
Shopping Center Forum Live Shows
Every year, international entrepreneurs from the retail trade with a focus on shopping centers meet in Zurich. Every year, the forum picks out the best concepts. Dust of Soul was with the Tastenträume-Grand Piano present highlighting several shows during the day with the singer and the pianist. A black finished concert Grand Piano by Yamaha was staged. «Opera/Pop meets shopping». The 2020 edition was in the perception of full full first man and new ideas. Thanks at this point to the initiator, Jan Tanner. Read more about the Shopping Center Forum 2020.
Musik Video Premiers & Live Performance at the cinema
The big highlight in 2020: Postponed several times due to the corona pandemic, the Dust of Soul cinema event, which was eagerly awaited in spring, finally took place in September. Dust of Soul presented their latest music videos «Smile» and «Music Love». Both were produced in collaboration with Indian performers and artists. In addition, the shooting took place in January 2020 in Mumbai, India (read more about the shooting).
The cinema was filled with emotions: tension, joy, inspiration and motivation. But there was also a surprise and a jam. Dust of Soul managed to touch and enchant their audience. Not only on the cinema screen: directly in the cinema hall, they performed their new songs live on the Tastenträume-Grand Piano while playing back the music video on the cinema screen. These new songs are the first single releases from the new album expected in 2021. Read more about the cinema event.
Dust of Soul überzeugt mit ihren einzigartigen Shows und Storys bereits seit acht Jahren. Nun steht 2021 vor der Tür und die Pläne sind grösser als jemals zuvor. Wir sind gespannt, auf welche Bühnen uns Dust of Soul als nächstes führt. Wohin sie ihre Tastenträume als nächstes bringen. Eines ist klar: Dust of Soul werden immer für «Positive Music Power» stehen und mit Freunden ihren Weg gehen. Denn Freundschaft ist die stärkste Kraft.
Dust of Soul has been convincing for eight years with its unique shows and stories. Now 2021 is just around the corner and the plans are bigger than ever. We are excited to see which stages Dust of Soul will take us next. Where to take your Tastenträume next. One thing is clear: Dust of Soul will always spread «Positive Music Power» and go their way with friends. Because friendship is the strongest force.