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Dust of Soul feat. Latin singer & percussionist Rodry-Go

Song with Columbian Super­star Rodry-Go

12 February 2019

Dust of Soul in a latin song fea­tur­ing with Columbian Super­star Rodry-Go. Rodry-Go him­self has already worked with Anas­ta­sia, Deep Pur­ple, and San­tana. So, Dust of Soul feel more than priv­i­leged to intro­duce their col­lab­o­ra­tive track on their new release com­ing in March 2019.

Dust of Soul announces a fea­tur­ing with Columbian singer & per­cus­sion­ist Rodry-Go. While Rodry-Go is a very suc­cess­ful and inter­na­tion­al artist, he brings a lot of expe­ri­ence. Most note­wor­thy he has worked with great names from the music indus­try such as Anas­ta­sia, Deep Pur­ple, and San­tana. The col­lab­o­ra­tion with Dust of Soul will be a song pro­duc­tion for the new album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” that is about to release in March 2019. 

Dust of Soul – Unstop­pable feat. Rodry-Go now on YouTube Music

The song they do togeth­er is called “Unstop­pable”. It is a latin fusion with the unique dis­tinc­tive style of the ‘Opera Pop’ duo Dust of Soul. Rodry-Go is appear­ing both as singer and per­cus­sion­ist in the song. The per­cus­sion instru­ments and latin vocals are record­ed at the “Go Stu­dios” in Zurich. 

Dust of Soul have not yet announced the release of a music video. Stay tuned to find our more soon.

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