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Mega­trends at Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2021

Lifestyle hubs instead of temples of consumption: the shopping centers are in the midst of a transformation that is also a time of reconsideration and (re-) vitalization. «Dust of Soul» also take an active part in this change. They call their concerts «Positive Music...

Dust of Soul head­lin­ing in open air «Sounds of Summer»

The association Kulturwerk Ebikon launches «Sounds of Summer», an open air on the stage in the EbiGarden near the Mall of Switzerland headlining Dust of Soul, Cortés Kimberly, Seanchez, and more. On Saturday, August 28, 2021 the open air «Sounds of Summer». Six...

New Dates for the “In Col­ors” Tour Just Announced

The “In Col­ors” tour 2019 was a huge suc­cess, end­ing the year in a Top 10 result at the Nation­al Finals of an Euro­pean Con­test and com­pli­ments from the Berklee Col­lege of Music and Sony Music. Now the tour continues…

The Pow­er of Music as a Heal­ing of Men­tal Health

Music has a huge pow­er. This is proved by sci­ence. The asso­ci­a­tion GLEICH UND ANDERS Switzer­land, in coop­er­a­tion with Dust of Soul, has devel­oped the con­cept “Ein­sortiert – Mal Anders” – an event series con­cen­trat­ed to the pro­mo­tion of men­tal health.

Dust of Soul In Col­ors Album Release Show

Dust of Soul unveils their new album on 24 March 2019 with Spe­cials Guests: Indi­an dancers, rap­per, latin-star, break­dance, bal­let, DJ

48th Oman Nation­al Day Amphithe­atre Show in Muscat

For the first time ever on a Oman Nation­al Day Swiss artists per­form togeth­er with Omani musicians

MTV India show with Bol­ly­wood Super­star Ayush­mann Khurrana

Dust of Soul made their debut in an Amphithe­ater stage with the per­for­mance at Mus­cat City Ampthithe­ater Qurum on 26 Octo­ber 2017. With the intro­duc­tion as “the sen­sa­tion duo from Switzer­land” Dust of Soul opened the show for Indi­an Bol­ly­wood Super­star Ayush­mann Khurrana,

Dust of Soul with fan­cy fash­ion to style their music

Dust of Soul open the year 2017 with a New Year’s Con­cert pre­sent­ing their new appear­ance – fan­cy fash­ion to style their music

Live on Ice Lan­desmu­se­um Zurich with Swiss Cham­pi­on in fig­ure skating

Dust of Soul presented a symphony on ice - a concert with their famous musical show & the ice dancing by Swiss Champion in figure skating Sandrine Hofstetter. Music with pirouettes on the «Live on Ice» ice-field at the Swiss national museum in Zurich It reminds of...

Live on Ice show KKL Lucerne

Dust of Soul presented in cooperation with the music house Krompholz Luzern a 2,20 meter Grand Piano on the ice field on the Europaplatz in front of KKL Luzern and fascinated in three performances "on ice" in the romantic scenery at the lake with the lights of the...


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