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2020 Oman Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion with Swiss song of love

Oman Radio 90.4 FM wel­comes Dust of Soul back to the Sul­tanate of Oman vir­tu­al­ly amongst the 50th Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion – the recog­nis­able local band from Switzer­land who has got an incred­i­ble ded­i­ca­tion to the coun­try of Oman through their songs and compositions

«Mus­cat Dai­ly» front page arti­cle in Oman

Front page arti­cle in the dai­ly news­pa­per of Mus­cat «Mus­cat Dai­ly» about the “The Col­or of Oman is Love»

Indi­an TV Show «Gulf This Week» on Manora­ma News

Dust of Soul talks to TV Show «Gulf This Week» on Manora­ma News TV sta­tion in India about their project

Swiss nation­al TV «SRF 1» show «Glanz & Gloria»

«A Swiss musi­cians duo and their rest­less artist life» – so the head­line of the tele­vi­sion pro­gram on Swiss Nation­al TV SRF 1

First Swiss on Nation­al TV Oman TV about «Col­or of Oman» and «Human­i­ty First»

Dust of Soul singer Dusty is the first Swiss woman to speak on the Arabic morning show «Qahwat Alsabah» and on national television Oman TV in general about the Switzerland-Oman project «The Color of Oman is Love» and the «Humanity First» campaign. Oman TV Morgenshow...

Song «Believe» in Tunis Radio «Express FM»

Dust of Soul’s new sin­gle release ‘Believe’ pre­miered in Tunis’ radio Express FM for the first time in Tunisia

Peace Con­cert in Tunisia

Dust of Soul ini­ti­at­ed in coop­er­a­tion with Peace Tunisia a ‘Peace Con­cert’ to build a bridge between worlds and unite peo­ple to stand together

Cov­er Sto­ry in Swiss Mag­a­zine «Neue Wege Gehen»

«Going an own way is never easy. If you then would like to follow a path that is not trodden down, a stony march is ahead of you. The duo Dust of Soul can literally sing a song about this.» «These two are unstoppable» the headline the magazine opens their title story...

Milanese «Gior­nale Met­ro­pol­i­tano» about fash­ion show after party

The Milanese Dai­ly News­pa­per «Gior­nale Met­ro­pol­i­tano» writes about Dust of Soul per­form­ing in Milano

In The Press

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