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Col­or of Oman pre­miers at spe­cial con­cert in Switzerland

The music video of «The Color of Oman – A Swiss Song of Love for Oman» premiered in a special held ceremony at the Swiss castle Château Gütsch in Lucerne on big screen. The Swiss duo Dust of Soul, with its project in Oman, developed great curiosity and great interest,...

Château Gütsch Open Air Cas­tle Gar­den Concert

The impressive scenery at the open air castle garden concert on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of Dust of Soul triumphed in the dreamlike mood of the midsummer night. The patio of the fairytale castle Château Gütsch was full of magic As seduced into a magic world...

Live-Per­for­mance at Teatro Dal Verme in Milan – Italy

Dust of Soul performs at the Dreamers Day in the Milanese Teatro Dal Verme in front of a large audience with the title song 'Believe' of their new CD and the song 'Dreaming' Milan is the famous fashion capital of the world and is located in Northern Italy. In October...

CD Release at Château Gütsch

Dust of Soul celebrate the release of their new CD «Believe» glamorous and classy at the fairytale caste Château Gütsch in Lucerne (Switzerland) with more than 130 guests. Even Tunisia was there live Dust of Soul invited to the white fairytale castle Château Gütsch in...

Switzerland’s great­est mar­ket­ing fair «Suisse Emex 2015»

Dust of Soul performed at the 2015 edition of the marketing fair Suissee Emex Zurich Hallenstadion/Messe: The greatest marketing fair of Switzerland with over 150,000 visitors this year was a huge success for the Swiss Duo Dust of Soul. With their "Art" they caught...

Zurich old town Open Air marks 3-year anniversary

Dust of Soul cel­e­brate their 3-year anniver­sary with an old town Open Air in Zurich in coop­er­a­tion with Hotel Storchen on the his­toric Weinplatz

Moti­va­tion­al con­cert at sym­po­sium in Zurich

Dust of Soul was guesting at the True Impact Symposium 'Going New Ways' (from German: "Neue Wege Gehen") in Wallisellen Zurich on the weekend of the 18th and 19th October 2014 with speakers such as Soccer Coach Hanspeter Latour and Speaker & Teacher Veit Lindau....

Con­cert under the Arcades in Zurich

A con­cert evening beau­ti­ful­ly con­duct­ed out­side on a won­der­ful warm sun­ny sum­mer day under the arcades at the Metropol in Zurich.


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