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New music videos in Swiss cin­e­ma with live performance

Dust of Soul are known for their adventurous projects. In 2020 they continue as they did in the previous seven years: in January 2020, they shot two new music videos in Mumbai. The cinema STATTKINO Bourbaki showed them exclusively in a cinema premiere in Switzerland....

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er at the Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2020

Dust of Soul accom­pa­nied this YEAR’S SWISS CONGRESS of the 13th SHOPPING CENTER FORUM 2020 with “Pos­i­tive Music Power”.

Lovesick. Heartache. Dust of Soul release Rainbow

Lovesick. Heartache. Many of us know about the deep pain of lovesickness. Others are spared in part. «Dust of Soul»'s song "Rainbow" is a vibrant and uplifting song that celebrates the beauty of life and the power of positivity. The song features a mix of pop, rock,...

Oppor­tu­ni­ties lurk even in this crisis

“Is there any­one out there whose lives are not touched by the coro­na virus pan­dem­ic?”, Mus­cat based ‘Black & White Oman’ is ask­ing. They pub­lished an arti­cle fea­tur­ing Dust of Soul as part of their Coro­na Diaries in their online magazine.

Vic­to­ry – When Swiss Opera/Pop meets India

Swiss ‘Opera Pop’ is the first of its kind. What hap­pens when it meets Indi­an music? A pow­er­ful fusion is cre­at­ed. Dust of Soul cre­at­ed ‘Vic­to­ry’ from it. And a music video pro­duc­tion in the Dhar­avi slums of Mumbai.

The Pow­er of Music as a Heal­ing of Men­tal Health

Music has a huge pow­er. This is proved by sci­ence. The asso­ci­a­tion GLEICH UND ANDERS Switzer­land, in coop­er­a­tion with Dust of Soul, has devel­oped the con­cept “Ein­sortiert – Mal Anders” – an event series con­cen­trat­ed to the pro­mo­tion of men­tal health.

A Swiss Song of Love for Oman

Being on their third voy­age to Oman, Dust of Soul states to Oman Observ­er to give «final touch­es to their song “Col­or of Oman”»

Peace Con­cert in Tunisia

Dust of Soul ini­ti­at­ed in coop­er­a­tion with Peace Tunisia a ‘Peace Con­cert’ to build a bridge between worlds and unite peo­ple to stand together


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