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Lost Dance Crew

«Lost» with Mas­ter­ing Engi­neer from Ed Sheeran

6 May 2022

Dust of Soul’s new music video «Lost» released online on 29th April 2022. The song released today a week after. The music is mas­tered by mas­ter­ing engi­neer of award-win­ning No. 1 albums includ­ing Ed Sheer­an at Abbey Road Stu­dios in London.

Dust of Soul release their lat­est sin­gle «Lost» along with a very pow­er­ful and deep music video on the 29th of April 2022. This is the fourth offi­cial sin­gle release of their in 2021 pre­sent­ed new album «Won­der­land». Musi­cal­ly and lyri­cal­ly, all the cre­ative work orig­i­nates from the two musi­cians, singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as «Dusty», and pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as «MiKey». The mes­sage behind «Lost» is very strong and the visu­al expres­sion is just as pow­er­ful. Dive into new «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» by Dust of Soul:

Dust of Soul – Lost (Offi­cial Video) | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

Since today Fri­day, the 6th of May 2022, the song is avail­able every­where on all major stream­ing plat­forms – such as Spo­ti­fy, Apple Music, iTunes. Find all links on

«I’m not Lost, I trust myself»

Lyrics Song «Lost»

The song is full of pow­er and moti­va­tion. Tak­ing about real­i­ty and specif­i­cal­ly the ques­tion: «Is that all what I can be?» The only solu­tion there is: «I trust myself». In excit­ing 3D com­ic ani­ma­tions, Dust of Soul con­veys these messages. 

Dust of Soul moti­vate with their new style «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» – lyri­cal­ly, musi­cal­ly and visu­al­ly – to get up now and want more in our lives. 

I’m not Lost

Dusty takes us onto a very inti­mate jour­ney into the depths of her life:

Dark­ness sur­rounds me, I’m sit­ting there
Fall down in the out of nowhere
The deep fog of mad­ness
Grabs me, grabs me

In this dim­ness I can’t feel
What is real, what is real
All falls down and I lost my dri­ve
The dark­ness found a way in my life

Lyrics Song «Lost»

Dust of Soul speak of every­day expe­ri­ences. We all have been there. But this does not mean we are lost. We can trust our­selves and our way. 

I feel this dark place
See in your poor face
Sud­den­ly I stand up
Go out of this maze
How long is this chase
Back to my base
I go deep in my core
In my life I want more

Lyrics Song «Lost»

We have to make a deci­sion and stand up. Only we can do it! 

Whis­per­ing frost

What [Whis­per­ing frost]
What [I’m not lost]
Does it say [Wan­der­ing ghost]
Does it say [I’m not lost]
I trust myself [Is that all what I can be]
I trust myself [Is that all what I can be]

Lyrics Song «Lost»

The dancers from the group Radioac­tive Dance­crew rep­re­sent the «whis­per­ing frost», the «wan­der­ing ghosts», the many voic­es in your head telling you that you are lost. Some­times they are so very present, that we start to believe them. Only trust in our­selves can get us out of there. Because there is more we can be. 

Holo­gram Piano

Pianist MiKey went onto his own jour­ney into the depths of his piano. His piano-play­ing became alive through a 3D pro­jec­tion with him out­side of it while observ­ing him­self play­ing. The con­nec­tion between MiKey and his piano is very strong. Nev­er­the­less he needs to trust him­self deeply to find the melodies and har­monies of his heart and express them togeth­er with Dusty’s voice. 

The holo­gram piano scene was cre­at­ed in post pro­duc­tion. Dust of Soul was sup­port­ed by A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­mente GmbH / with the instru­ment and piano equip­ment. Thank you very much for this amaz­ing support. 

The mir­ror

The mir­ror dosen’t show me the way
My eyes don’t see the truth
The only thing is
To love myself

Lyrics Song «Lost»

We have to go deep­er to find out the truth about us, about our life. Only with­in our­selves we find love. This way we can cre­ate a strong and ever-last­ing con­nec­tion to our­selves and cre­ate the life we want. 

Film Loca­tion

The film­ing loca­tion was at the old purifi­ca­tion water plant in Solothurn (Alte Kläran­lage Luter­bach) in Switzer­land which is not in use any­more. How­ev­er, the can­ton of Solothurn and Solothurn Tourism keeps this place open as an attrac­tion for art and tourism. For that we thank very much. 

Fur­ther­more, we would also like to thank the Fas­nachts-Bazar Luzern for their friend­ly support.

Script, direc­tion and edit­ing were done by Dust of Soul artists Sask­ia and Michael them­selves. This in order to fol­low their artis­tic expres­sion freely inspired. Film­mak­er Dominic Wälti from Shapex Films and pho­tog­ra­ph­er & light­ing assis­tant Mar­ius Tausch sup­port­ed them behind the cam­era on site. The pro­duc­tion of the song and video was real­ized at Dust of Soul Stu­dios. The song mas­ter­ing is by mas­ter­ing engi­neer Chris­t­ian Wright of award-win­ning No. 1 albums includ­ing Ed Sheer­an at Abbey Road Stu­dios in Lon­don, made famous by the Beatles. 


Below you will find all oth­er credits:

Music by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Writ­ten by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Sto­ry by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Direct­ed by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Co-Direct­ed by: Shapex Films
Pro­duced by: Dust of Soul
Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er: Michael Oder­matt
Co-Pro­duced by: Shapex Films
Art Direc­tor: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Direc­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy: Shapex Films, Michael Oder­matt
Edit­ed by: Michael Oder­matt
Visu­al Effects by: Michael Oder­matt
Pro­duc­tion Design­er: Michael Oder­matt
Cos­tume Design­er: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Make Up Artist: Lean­dra Bombel­li
Assis­tant Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Mar­ius Tausch
Cast­ing by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Loca­tions: Alte Kläran­lage Luter­bach
Music record­ed at: Dust of Soul Stu­dios
Music mas­tered at: Abbey Road Stu­dios, Lon­don
All Art­works & Designs are sole prop­er­ty of Dust of Soul
Copy­right © 2022 Dust of Soul. All rights reserved.

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