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Music in times of the Coro­na crisis

22 March 2020

When every­thing is going nor­mal­ly it is easy to be there for each oth­er. But what if the extra­or­di­nary sit­u­a­tion is pro­claimed? Dust of Soul can­not give con­certs either. But they can give music to give courage and comfort.

With their new song ‘Min Held’ (from Swiss Ger­man: ‘My Hero’), Dust of Soul would like to say THANKS – GRAZIE – MERCI – THANK YOU to every­one with the mes­sage: “Don’t give up. Togeth­er we go this way. After every low there is a high again. Togeth­er we have a lot more pow­er.”
It is unbe­liev­able what a lot of peo­ple are doing to help peo­ple dur­ing this Coro­na cri­sis. From neigh­bors to friends to healthcare.

Every­one can be a hero in every­day life. Be it with neigh­bor­hood help or to be there as a friend with a lov­ing phone call. You can do a lot with that. That’s why you’re a hero too. This is very impor­tant now, because human­i­ty suf­fers the most dur­ing this coro­na cri­sis. The most impor­tant thing is human­i­ty. We have to stay at home, but we can try to find pos­i­tive aspects out of this crisis.

The music can speak direct­ly to people’s hearts. Give you strength and courage to endure this dif­fi­cult time. If we are all human, we will sur­vive this cri­sis together.

«Music real­ly has no lan­guage …
Rather, it address­es uni­ver­sal cit­i­zens in one lan­guage, name­ly love …
Con­grat­u­la­tions to Sask­ia Stäu­ble and Michael Oder­matt, who have thought of all the men and women who are fight­ing COVID 19 all over the world»

— Kabeer Yousuf, jour­nal­ist at ‘Oman Observer’

Dust of Soul want to release strength and pos­i­tive ener­gy with the song ‘Min Held’ to sur­vive this cri­sis. We wish you all the very best dur­ing this time. Take care of your­self and stay healthy.

Today’s cin­e­ma event at the STATTKINO Bour­ba­ki Panora­ma in Lucerne has been post­poned to 3 May 2020. We hope to see you then. All fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found here.

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