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'Opera Pop' duo Dust of Soul collaboration with Swiss guitarist Joe Degen

Dust of Soul is Rock’n’Rolling this summer

3 July 2019

With the «Dust of Soul Open Air 2019» Dust of Soul are intro­duc­ing their new col­lab­o­ra­tion with gui­tarist Joe Degen from Switzer­land. Joe will give a unique sound to the new album «Dust of Soul In Col­ors» which Dust of Soul announced to per­form in full with live band for the first time.

Dust of Soul recent­ly announced its 5th edi­tion of the “Dust of Soul Open Air”. For the fourth time, the event will be host­ed at the Lucerne cas­tle Château Gütsch in Switzer­land. In the past these events have been a huge suc­cess. Also were the coop­er­a­tions with oth­er artists. After last year’s suc­cess­ful wide pro­gram of bal­let and break­ing dance artists, per­cus­sion­ist, Irish band and Stand up art, this year will be a high­light for music: Dust of Soul already announced the col­lab­o­ra­tion with Swiss gui­tarist Joe Degen. Lead gui­tarist of the Swiss band “Bomb 19” is thrilled to join the duo for this hap­pen­ing. His spe­cial­i­ty to spice, enter­tain, excite, and fla­vor with intu­itive soft but pre­cise gui­tar riffs and leads per­fect­ly har­mo­nizes with Dust of Soul’s dis­tinc­tive ‘Opera Pop’ style. 

The duo’s 2019 debut album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” focus­es on bril­liance not only in the musi­cal lyrics, com­posit­ing, and per­for­mance, dives deep into the fusion with oth­er music gen­res such as Indi­an, Clas­si­cal, and Latin styles. 

A chal­lenge for Joe? Not real­ly. Already from the first rehearsal Joe found him­self in deep waters of these musi­cal bridges exper­i­ment­ing and impro­vis­ing. Dust of Soul are very hap­py to announce this inter­ac­tion with such a qual­i­fied, pro­fes­sion­al, and young tal­ent­ed artist from Switzer­land. We invite you to not miss to cel­e­brate this union of pas­sion, cre­ativ­i­ty, love, and pow­er of music. All com­ing togeth­er at the “Dust of Soul Open Air 2019” on 11 July 2019 at Château Gütsch cas­tle garden. 

More about Joe Degen you find on his band web­site: www.bomb19.com

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