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New Music Video Smile by Dust of Soul to be released soon featuring Indian Actor Yash Choudhary

Swiss artists with two music video Shoot­ings in Mumbai

31 January 2020

Dust of Soul are known for their adven­tur­ous sto­ries. In 2020 they con­tin­ue exact­ly the way they have been work­ing like in the past sev­en years: Two new music video shoot­ings were realised in the city of Mum­bai. Today, Dust of Soul launched a first teas­er poster of a promis­ing new style.

Dust of Soul trav­el around the world with their music. 2017 they first col­lab­o­rat­ed with Indi­an artists in Mus­cat: Dust of Soul were the open­ing act for the Indi­an Bol­ly­wood Super­star Ayush­mann Khur­rana at the City Amphithe­ater Qurum, Mus­cat biggest out­door con­cert event venue. It was a enor­mous success. 

A year lat­er, the two artists were inspired by the Indi­an music, rhythms, and styles, and start­ed to exper­i­ment with a mix­ture of their unique Swiss ‘Opera Pop’ genre and Indi­an instru­ments. They suc­ceed­ed and released a first sin­gle named ‘Flow’ ahead of their debut album launch in Novem­ber 2018. The song fea­tured a catchy pop melody com­bined with Indi­an instru­ments and rhythms. Dust of Soul filmed the music video with dancers from the the Mus­cat based Indi­an school “White Rose Insti­tute of Music & Arts”. More than 30 kids par­tic­i­pat­ed in the music video shoot­ing. On top of that three artists coop­er­at­ed in Switzer­land when Dust of Soul filmed the final clips for the video. The video was launched at the album release event in March 2019.

Dust of Soul – Flow (Offi­cial Music Video)

For the album, Dust of Soul fea­tured a sec­ond Indi­an styled song named ‘Vic­to­ry’. Vic­to­ry is about the inner vic­to­ry. Vic­to­ry over fears, bound­aries, and despairs. For this sto­ry, Dust of Soul trav­eled to India and filmed in the Dhar­avi their new music video. The Dhar­avi are the sec­ond largest slums world­wide. Young artists col­lab­o­rat­ed and per­formed break­dance, beat-box­ing, rap­ping, and graf­fi­ti art in front of the cam­era. Dust of Soul put all this togeth­er and released their video on 26 Octo­ber 2019. With­in two month it was watched more than 500’000 times mak­ing it a huge success. 

Dust of Soul – Vic­to­ry (Offi­cial Video) feat. Mc Sid­du (With The Dhar­avi Dream Project Mumbai)


With Smile Dust of Soul ini­ti­ate their third fusion project with India. This time they fea­ture the col­lab­o­ra­tion with Indi­an actor Yash Choud­hary. The song will be released ear­ly 2020 as a sin­gle from their next com­ing album.

Smile Teas­er Poster

Dust of Soul worked with a film team led by cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Win­ston Jose. Win­ston and his team are pro­fes­sion­als in the Indi­an film mak­ing indus­try and co-pro­duced and co-direct­ed the video shoot­ing based on the sto­ry by Dust of Soul.

The music video Smile will be released in ear­ly 2020. 

Music Love

Music love is there­fore already Dust of Soul’s fourth fusion project with India. Two Indi­an musi­cians are work­ing with Dust of Soul on the new song: Rap­per Nox­ious D and singer-song­writer Ketan Mohite. The song is a dec­la­ra­tion of love for the music. All musi­cians find them­selves in this love and come togeth­er to cel­e­brate it in a song. The song will be release lat­er in spring 2020 as the sec­ond sin­gle release from the com­ing next Dust of Soul album.

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