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Dust of Soul in front of Tour Music Fest Wall

Top 10 final­ist in Switzer­land at Euro­pean Con­test «Tour Music Fest»

8 December 2019

The 12th edi­tion of the Tour Music Fest took place this year. For the first time, sev­en coun­tries par­tic­i­pat­ed and made the for­mat a Euro­pean music com­pe­ti­tion. 28,000 artists from all over Europe par­tic­i­pat­ed. Dust of Soul came in the top 50 of the best singer-song­writ­ers in Switzer­land and made it into the top 10 of the final round. 

On 17 Novem­ber 2019, the Ital­ian com­pe­ti­tion ‘Tour Music Fest’ land­ed in Switzer­land for the first time in its 12th year. Amaz­ing live per­for­mances from unsigned Swiss artists were wit­nessed at YOYO Cen­tro Sporti­vo in Bias­ca.
Dust of Soul, emerg­ing singer-song­writer from Switzer­land has reached the final round of Tour Music Fest – The Euro­pean Music Con­test, the most impor­tant Euro­pean con­test ded­i­cat­ed to new, young and emerg­ing music. The best from four cat­e­gories were invit­ed to the Swiss Nation­al Finals: Singer, singer-song­writer, junior, and rap­per. The prices for this twelfth edi­tion were remark­able: a spon­sor­ship con­tract worth €10,000.00; 3 schol­ar­ships for music class­es at Berklee – Col­lege of Music in Boston, UK, at the pres­ti­gious Abbey Road Stu­dios in Lon­don, UK, where leg­endary artists such as The Bea­t­les are record­ed and dis­trib­uted by Sony Music, and even €15,000 for organ­is­ing an inter­na­tion­al tour. Tour Music Fest part­ners fur­ther with the Hard Rock Café in Rome, Mon­tar­bo, la Fel­trinel­li, der EKO Music Group, the DJ & Pro­duc­ers School Remixme, Able­ton, Eko, Roli, Vox, Korg, vel­vetmag, vil­la­giomu­si­cale, EMN Euro Music Net­work, All Music Italia and mer­catin­o­mu­si­cale.

Dust of Soul in the National Finals at Tour Music Fest
Dust of Soul in the Nation­al Finals at Tour Music Fest

Excel­lent Evaluation

The jury rat­ed Dust of Soul with an excel­lent eval­u­a­tion of an aver­age of 37 out of 40 points. The deci­sive fac­tors were the song, the vocal per­for­mance and the stage presence:

  • Lyrics: 37.5 out of 40 points
  • Melody Line: 35.5 out of 40 points
  • Musi­cal Accom­pa­ni­ment: 36.5 out of 40 points
  • Personality/Artistic Iden­ti­ty: 37.5 out of 40 points
  • Vocal Tech­nique: 36.5 out of 40 points
  • Into­na­tion: 36.5 out of 40 points
  • Vocal­ism: 36.5 out of 40 points
  • Stage Pres­ence: 38.0 out of 40 points
  • Artis­tic Fash­ion Style: 38.0 out of 40 points


— Berklee Col­lege of Music & Sony Music

Dur­ing the event, Gian­lu­ca Mus­so, Gen­er­al Direc­tor of Tour Music Fest, held edu­ca­tion­al mas­ter­class­es. The mas­ter­class aimed towards artis­tic growth at its fullest, from vocal tech­nique to stage pres­ence, cre­ative writ­ing to interpretation. 

Cel­e­brat­ed judges as from “Euro­vi­sion Song Contest”

Dust of Soul has been select­ed for the “singer-song­writer” artis­tic cat­e­go­ry by the offi­cial Tour Music Fest judg­ing pan­el along with 49 oth­er win­ners who could per­form live in front of them. The judg­ing pan­el con­sist­ed of: 

  • KARA DIOGUARDI, singer, song­writer and Amer­i­can Record Pro­duc­er, Pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Judg­ing Pan­el for the 2019 Tour Music Fest Finale
  • MOGOL, Pres­i­dent of the Tour Music Fest Inter­na­tion­al Judg­ing Pan­el since 2007
  • BONNIE HAYES, Singer-song­writer boast­ing col­lab­o­ra­tions with artists like Cher and Bil­ly Idol, Direc­tor of the Berklee – Col­lege of Music Song­writ­ing Department
  • JASON CAMELIO com­pos­er, arranger, trom­bon­ist, gui­tarist and Assis­tant Vice Pres­i­dent for Glob­al Ini­tia­tives at Berklee Col­lege of Music
  • TOKI WRIGHT, Rap­per and Amer­i­can teacher from Min­neapo­lis, Minnesota
  • GEORGINA ABELA, Singer and Mal­tese artist, rep­re­sent­ing Mal­ta at the Euro­vi­sion Song Contest
  • AGUSTIN TIRADO, Vocal coach, pro­fes­sion­al Singer
  • MATT OAK, Artis­tic Pro­duc­er, gui­tarist, pro­fes­sion­al Singer from Nottingham

A Swiss James Bond song

The Swiss ‘Opera Pop’ duo per­formed the song ‘Rain­bow’ from the new album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” live on stage. The album was released in March 2019 and with it the group brings new fusions that refresh, sur­prise and inspire – so the feed­back of the 2019 “In Col­ors” tour.

Rain­bow is a blues song that reminds of a James Bond theme song. It is deep, emo­tion­al, mys­te­ri­ous, and devel­ops an incom­ing groove through­out its cho­rus­es and vers­es. With this song, Dust of Soul reached the Top 10 of the Swiss Nation­al Finals. 

Song ‘Rain­bow’ from the album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” [2019]

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