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Dust of Soul musicians get awards from Girija Baqer Art Foundation

Dust of Soul award­ed by Oman Gir­i­ja Baqer Art Foundation

24 November 2018

Dust of Soul Singer Dusty and Pianist MiKey both got award­ed by the «Gir­i­ja Baqer Art Foun­da­tion» in Mus­cat at their pre-release event of their new sin­gle «Flow». Lak­sh­mi Kothaneth, founder of the Gir­i­ja Baqer Art Foun­da­tion, hand­ed over to both artists a spe­cial award thank­ing them for their «Con­tri­bu­tion to the World of Music».

On 28 Novem­ber 2018, Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed to an invit­ed crowed at a pri­vate hall their new sin­gle CD with the song «Flow». The offi­cial release of the album will be in ear­ly 2019 in Switzer­land. The duo held this spe­cial event to say thank you to many great dancers and artists par­tic­i­pat­ing with them in their project. Espe­cial­ly the school «White Ros­es Insti­tute of Music & Arts». There the duo filmed parts of the music video, and many of its stu­dents were danc­ing in the video.

Among the school were all oth­er artists present. Lak­sh­mi Kothaneth, own­er of the school «White Ros­es Insti­tute of Music & Arts» hon­oured the two artists from Dust of Soul «for their con­tri­bu­tion to the World of Music», as writ­ten on the awards. The Gir­i­ja Baqer Art Foun­da­tion was offi­cial­ly announced in Novem­ber 2018 after the great artist Gir­i­ja Baqer Menon, moth­er of Lak­sh­mi Kothaneth and founder of the school «White Ros­es Insti­tute of Music & Arts». Ms Baqer unfor­tu­nate­ly passed away in 2017, leav­ing great inspi­ra­tion and moti­va­tion to young artists as she ded­i­cat­ed her entire life to the arts sup­port­ing artists in Oman and around the world.

In 2017, she got friends with Dusty and MiKey from Dust of Soul, and dis­cussed a project with them. The two artists are about to offi­cial­ly launch this album under the name of «Dust of Soul In Col­ors» with the title song «Flow» in mem­o­ry of Gir­i­ja Baqer.

Host of the event, Ms Chi­tra Narayan, and Indi­an art pro­mot­er in Mus­cat, Dr Ret­naku­mar Janar­danan, hand­ed over the awards to Dusty & MiKey in a cer­e­mo­ni­al gesture.

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