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Dust of Soul pianist ambas­sador of Ital­ian haute cou­ture fash­ion brand

29 May 2016

Again for this year, Dust of Soul pianist MiKey is a proud ambas­sador of the Ital­ian haute cou­ture fash­ion brand Cle­ofe Finati by Arche­tipo. Dust of Soul were invit­ed a VIP guests to the annu­al fash­ion show in Milan, Italy.

Between Dream and Real­i­ty”, this way Cle­ofe Finati wel­comes us this year 2016 with a dis­tinc­tive taste of orig­i­nal­i­ty and inti­ma­cy. The Ital­ien Fash­ion House Arche­tipo explains: “It’s the era of cre­ative con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, a promis­cu­ous mix with­out bar­ri­ers lead­ing to the lib­er­a­tion of art and the most hid­den fan­tasies. The palette of the indi­vid­ual / artist is paint­ed with new mate­ri­als and tech­niques, result­ing as free­dom of expres­sion of ideas made in the form of prints and pat­terns. Mor­pheus leads us to a world of won­ders, cradling our spir­it and mind, in a dream in which the pro­tag­o­nists are dusty rose petals, flo­ral designs by indef­i­nite feel­ings, insects and col­or­ful feath­ers, through net­works and iri­des­cent clothes. 

Offi­cial invitation

«Is this moment dream or real­i­ty? Are we liv­ing just between or do we decide for one or the oth­er? What is real­i­ty? The truth? Well, a dream can become real­i­ty like an idea we bring to paper and realise»

— Singer Dusty

Again Cle­ofe Finati presents styl­is­tic inno­va­tions, art and col­or come to life in this year through Oneiros, which is both dream and real­i­ty, past, present and future, mem­o­ry and vision. It is the deep­est clar­i­ty that finds inspi­ra­tion in sleep that leads to the transmutation.”

«We all have a dream and are liv­ing in a real­i­ty. For some our real­i­ty might be their dream, and we often dream about oth­er real­i­ties. Only we can we pre­vent our­selves to realise what we burn for. As soon as we begin to live that real­i­ty takes its course»

— Pianist MiKey

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