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«Human Ris­ing Award» Nom­i­na­tion in Berlin

6 December 2014

Dust of Soul was nom­i­nat­ed for the «Human Ris­ing Award» in the cat­e­go­ry «Hero» – a price award­ed to a hero in every­day life with great inspi­ra­tion. There­fore Dust of Soul was invit­ed to the red-car­pet gala in Berlin

It is already two a half years from now that singer Dusty and pianist MiKey have encoun­tered each oth­er and Dust of Soul even­tu­al­ly orig­i­nat­ed. The love for music and a vision has led them towards a musi­cal jour­ney that is about much more than just giv­ing con­certs: Dusty and MiKey have found in each oth­er a com­pan­ion, a rela­tion­ship of trust even in the dark­est times. Dust of Soul trav­els at all times and lives with and among peo­ple. This lifestyle and its insightts let Dust of Soul become unique. Many jour­nal­ists have writ­ten about how a life nowa­days is pos­si­ble this way. For Dust of Soul it is their inspi­ra­tion for the cre­ative song­writ­ing process.
Now, two and a half years lat­er, Dust of Soul have been nom­i­nat­ed for the Award Hero – a price award­ed to a spe­cial unique­ness of inspi­ra­tion and integri­ty in every­day life. A nom­i­na­tion that says a lot about the way Dust of Soul are at the heart. ‘Respect’, ‘pas­sion’ and ‘love’ – strong val­ues that define the “new art of liv­ing” of Dust of Soul.

«It is a grate­ful­ly appre­ci­at­ed hon­our for us being nom­i­nat­ed for the award «Hero» in Berlin. It has been a jour­ney of excite­ment and delight. We are tak­ing this strength and moti­va­tion with us onto our path for our next step forward»

— Dust of Soul

The nom­i­na­tion was pre­sent­ed by the orga­ni­za­tion called «Human Ris­ing» at the Kos­mos in Berlin. Found­ed was the orga­ni­za­tion by Andrea and Veit Lin­dau who man­age the events them­selves. Almost 1’000 guests from all over the Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries – Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land – attend­ed and made the hap­pen­ing to a great suc­cess. The high­light of evening was then the with excite­ment await­ed nom­i­na­tion of the awards ‘Heart’ and ‘Hero’.

Stéphanie Hun­zik­er, founder of the coach­ing agency com­pa­ny «True Impact» has been the ini­tia­tor of giv­ing in the pro­pos­al for the nom­i­na­tion of Dust of Soul. Dur­ing an inten­sive peri­od of coop­er­at­ing for sev­er­al events, Ms Hun­zik­er applied Dust of Soul in Ger­many for the award nom­i­na­tion. Dust of Soul say thank you for this priv­i­lege in Berlin.

• Cov­er Pho­tog­ra­phy by Human Trust
• Arti­cle Pho­togra­phies by Dust of Soul
• Arti­cle Pho­togra­phies by Human Trust
• Text by Dust of Soul | Michael Odermatt

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