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«Lost» select­ed “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” at «Music Video Awards» Los Angeles

Highly successful music video release «Lost» has been selected "Best Originality" at «Music Video Awards» in Los Angeles. The music has been mastered by mastering engineer of award-winning No. 1 albums including Ed Sheeran at Abbey Road Studios in London. Dust of...

Top 10 final­ist in Switzer­land at Euro­pean Con­test «Tour Music Fest»

28,000 artists from all over Europe par­tic­i­pat­ed at the 12th Tour Music Fest. Dust of Soul made it into the top 10 at the Nation­al Finals.

Dust of Soul award­ed by Oman Gir­i­ja Baqer Art Foundation

Dust of Soul got award­ed by Gir­i­ja Baqer Art Foun­da­tion for their con­tri­bu­tion to the World of Music

First Swiss on Nation­al TV Oman TV about «Col­or of Oman» and «Human­i­ty First»

Dust of Soul singer Dusty is the first Swiss woman to speak on the Arabic morning show «Qahwat Alsabah» and on national television Oman TV in general about the Switzerland-Oman project «The Color of Oman is Love» and the «Humanity First» campaign. Oman TV Morgenshow...

Dust of Soul pianist ambas­sador of Ital­ian haute cou­ture fash­ion brand

Again for this year, Dust of Soul pianist MiKey is a proud ambassador of the Italian haute couture fashion brand Cleofe Finati by Archetipo. Dust of Soul were invited a VIP guests to the annual fashion show in Milan, Italy. Between Dream and Reality", this way Cleofe...

«Human Ris­ing Award» Nom­i­na­tion in Berlin

Dust of Soul was nominated for the «Human Rising Award» in the category «Hero» – a price awarded to a hero in everyday life with great inspiration. Therefore Dust of Soul was invited to the red-carpet gala in Berlin It is already two a half years from now that singer...

Eter­nalised in Ital­ian Hall of Fame

Ital­ian Fash­ion Label eter­nalis­es Dust of Soul in Hall of Fame togeth­er with F1 pilot Ralf Schuh­mach­er, croon­er Jür­gen Drews, duo Igudes­man & Joo


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