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LA Con­scious Events HeART Expres­sion 4/28

LA Conscious Events HeART Expression 4/28

28 Apr 2024

4:00 pm - 9:00 pm 

Pri­vate residence
Wood­land Hills – Unit­ed States 

infoTick­ets avail­able on Eventbrite!

Chan­neled Music by Dust of Soul to Heal your Soul

USD 55

Pow­ered by 


Join us for an inspir­ing evening of heart-cen­tered cel­e­bra­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty at HeART Expres­sion – Cel­e­bra­tion in Con­stel­la­tion, brought to you by LA Con­scious Events.

Dance with your high­est self as we gath­er on Sun­day, April 28th from 4-9pm at a stun­ning pri­vate res­i­dence in Wood­land Hills.

This vision­ary event, craft­ed by four divine fem­i­nine lead­ers and sea­soned artists—Lisbeth Sereza, Lisa Cus­tard, Mar­cia Arau­jo and She-She O’Donnell—aims to ignite and empow­er each participant’s unique cre­ative expres­sion. What gift do you wish to share? What art speaks from your heart?

Doors open at 3:30 p.m.
Event ends around 9:00 p.m.

Dust of Soul have estab­lished a nat­ur­al way of “read­ing” ener­gy of the room and every­one present and “reflect­ing” it with music in a vocal-piano per­for­mance. Dust of Soul open their events for over a decade now with a chan­neled music expe­ri­ence. They came to under­stand that this is a very pow­er­ful way of cre­at­ing music as it gives peo­ple impor­tant insights about their soul, encour­ages them to lis­ten to their heart, and take steps towards heal­ing and grow­ing spiritually.


Experience Channeled Music by Dust of Soul
Dust of Soul, Chan­neled Music


Poster by Zula
  • Zula Den Soirée


USD 55

Pow­ered by 

The orga­niz­er informs that even though this is a free event, every­one must have a tick­et to enter, so please reserve yours in advance to be on the list before its at capacity.


LA Con­scious Events

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Channeled Music

LA Con­scious Events

LA Conscious Events HeART Expression Organizer


Pri­vate residence
Can­zonet Street
91367 Wood­land Hills
Unit­ed States

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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