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A Con­scious Com­mu­ni­ty Well­ness Day at Zula Den with Dust of Soul

A Conscious Community Wellness Day at Zula Den with Dust of Soul

04 May 2024

3:00 pm - 10:00 pm 

Zula Den
Los Ange­les – Unit­ed States 

infoFree event, please get your tick­ets now!

Expe­ri­ence Dust of Soul’s “Intu­itive Music Read­ing“ at Zula Den’s Soirée “A Con­scious Com­mu­ni­ty Well­ness Day“


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Get ready to ele­vate your con­scious­ness and embrace well­ness at our high­ly antic­i­pat­ed Spring Soirée on May 4th, 2024, from 3-10pm!!

We’re thrilled to invite you to this free, trans­for­ma­tive event where our com­mu­ni­ty comes togeth­er for a day of con­nec­tion and growth. Join us at the Zula Den for an array of enrich­ing expe­ri­ences, includ­ing breath­work, med­i­ta­tion, yoga, ener­gy acti­va­tion, Thai yoga mas­sage, work­shops, hyp­no­sis, per­fume cre­ations, body­work, astrol­o­gy, limpias, medi­um read­ings, and much more. 

Dive into our cur­rent sched­ule below, and be sure to RSVP TODAY!, as tick­ets are lim­it­ed. It’s time to nur­ture your mind, body, and soul. See you there!! 

Dust of Soul

Be mes­mer­ized by the tal­ent­ed artists of Dust of Soul:

Dive in to an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. Ener­gy has a unique melody – a sound vibra­tion that is spe­cial. Hear­ing ener­gy as music opens up a new world to us. It tells the cur­rent sto­ry of our hearts and sets an inner process in motion.

“Intu­itive Music Read­ing” is a ses­sion where Dust of Soul intu­itive­ly “read” and “reflect” ener­gy in a vocal-piano duo per­for­mance. Dusty intu­itive­ly sings the melodies with lyrics at the spot and MiKey intu­itive­ly plays the har­monies on the piano. 

At the Zula Den in Los Ange­les you will expe­ri­ence Zula Den’s favorite well­ness facil­i­ta­tors will gath­er to share their gifts all around the build­ing. You will have the free­dom of walk­ing and par­tic­i­pat­ing in any group or one on one expe­ri­ences they choose from includ­ing mas­sage, sound baths, yoga, poet­ry, jour­nal­ing, breath­work, work­shops, ice baths, body work, art, music more. This is Zula Den’s gift back to the com­mu­ni­ty. Entrance is free and every ser­vice is free!
Don’t miss this unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy a “A Con­scious Com­mu­ni­ty Well­ness Day“. Mark your cal­en­dars, invite like-mind­ed friends and let the com­mu­ni­ty inspire you. See you there!

Event starts at 3:30 p.m.
Event ends around 10:00 p.m.

Lis­ten to your heart… lit­er­al­ly! In your ener­gy is your answer. Dive in to an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence on your per­son­al “Intu­itive Music Read­ing”. Your ener­gy has a unique melody – a har­mo­ny that is unlike any oth­er. Hear­ing your ener­gy as music opens up a new world to your­self. It tells the cur­rent sto­ry of your heart and opens up an inner con­ver­sa­tion. This expe­ri­ence imme­di­ate­ly has an impact on your­self. It can heal, align and strength­en your inner self with your heart to find your purpose.


Dust of Soul Positive Music Power
Dust of Soul, Pos­i­tive Music Power

Zula Den
Zula Den


Poster by Zula Denwww.zuladen.com
  • Zula Den Soirée



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The orga­niz­er informs that even though this is a free event, every­one must have a tick­et to enter, so please reserve yours in advance to be on the list before its at capacity.


Zula Den

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Intuitive Music Reading

Zula Den

Zula Den Organizer of A Conscious Community Wellness Day


Zula Den
4011 W Jef­fer­son Blvd
90016 Los Angeles
Unit­ed States

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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