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Club Joy­ful Feel Good Fri­day with Dust of Soul

Club Joyful Feel Good Friday with Dust of Soul

10 May 2024

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 

Club Joy­ful
Venice – Unit­ed States 

infoSign up on

Feel Good Fri­day Music Com­pos­ing Class with Dust of Soul at Club Joy­ful in Venice”


Book­ing through 


Kids 5+ will take an intu­itive music jour­ney, com­pos­ing a song from con­cep­tion to per­for­mance. No musi­cal expe­ri­ence required. ”

Join us for anoth­er edi­tion of Feel Good Fri­day, social hour and kids class fea­tur­ing intu­itive musi­cians, Dust of Soul. Kids ages 5-11 will work togeth­er and led by Sask­ia and Michael of Dust of Soul on an intu­itive music jour­ney where they will com­pose a sto­ry and song from their very own ideas. The kids will begin by paint­ing an idea, cre­ate a sto­ry and melody, then com­pose the music to the melody. The class cul­mi­nates with a group per­for­mance for the par­ents! Each child will receive a copy of their song to lis­ten to at home.

Fol­lowed by a con­cert from Dust of Soul for the whole family. 

Oth­er games and enter­tain­ment pro­vid­ed, drinks and snacks avail­able for pur­chase. Free tick­ets with email RSVP. 

Come join the Joy­ful com­mu­ni­ty for an after-school hang and kick off the week­end with some music and good vibes. 


Dust of Soul Positive Music Power
Dust of Soul, Pos­i­tive Music Power


Poster by Club Joy­
  • Family Happy Hour and “Positive Music Power for Kids” Music Composing Class with Dust of Soul at Club Joyful Venice
  • Family Happy Hour and “Positive Music Power for Kids” Music Composing Class with Dust of Soul at Club Joyful Venice



Book­ing through 

Sign up online or vis­it Club Joy­ful on 2121 Lin­coln Blvd, Venice, CA 90291


Club Joy­ful
2121 Lin­coln Blvd
CA 90291

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Positive Music Power for Kids with intuitive musicians Dust of Soul

Host­ed by
Club Joy­ful

Club Joyful Venice


Club Joyful
2121 Lin­coln Blvd
90291 Venice
Unit­ed States

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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