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Mag­ic Mar­ket fea­tur­ing Intu­itive Music Read­ing at Her­itage Muse­um of Orange County

Magic Market featuring Intuitive Music Reading at Heritage Museum of Orange County

18 May 2024

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm 

Her­itage Muse­um of Orange County
San­ta Ana – Unit­ed States 

infoTick­ets are on sale on MagicMarketPopUp.com.

Get your chan­neled soul song at the Mag­ic Mar­ket Pop­up in Orange County

USD 11.00

Pow­ered by 


Dust of Soul chan­nel and per­form your soul song with vocals, lyrics and piano in the 432 Hertz heal­ing fre­quen­cy live in the ses­sion and record it with a high res­o­lu­tion full fre­quen­cy spec­trum microphone.
The lyrics of the song are the mes­sages from your soul. After the per­for­mance you receive a soul mes­sage read­ing from psy­chic medi­um & intu­itive singer Dusty based on the images she saw AND from high-vibra­tional pianist MiKey based on the impres­sions he got through his piano-playing.
After the ses­sion you receive your soul song and you can always lis­ten to it again to re-align with your nat­ur­al soul vibra­tional fre­quen­cy. Because when you vibrate in your fre­quen­cy, you are strong, clear, healthy, suc­cess­ful, abun­dant, and happy.

Mag­ic Market

Mag­ic Mar­ket is head­ed to Orange Coun­ty for the first time ever col­lab­o­rat­ing with Her­itage Muse­um of Orange Coun­ty! Con­nect with like mind­ed souls, shop our meta­phys­i­cal and occult mar­ket. Enjoy live music, veg­an food, work­shops, sound baths, get a read­ing and so much more!

Mar­ket opens at 12:00 p.m.
Mar­ket ends around 5:00 p.m.

Your Soul Has A Song


Dust of Soul Channeled Music
Dust of Soul, Chan­neled Music


Poster by Mag­ic Mar­ket Pop Upwww.magicmarketpopup.com
  • Zula Den Soirée


USD 11.00

Pow­ered by 

The orga­niz­er informs: Tick­ets are $11 and can be pur­chased at the link in our bio or MagicMarketPopUp.com. WE SELL OUT and rec­om­mend pur­chas­ing your tick­ets in advance to guar­an­tee your entrance. We can­not sell tick­ets at the door if we are at capacity


Mag­ic Mar­ket Pop Up

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Intuitive Music Reading

Mag­ic Mar­ket Pop Up

Magic Market Pop Up Organizer


Her­itage Muse­um of Orange County
3101 West Har­vard Street
92704 San­ta Ana
Unit­ed States

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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