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“Intu­itive Music Read­ing” with Dust of Soul at Mys­tic Jour­ney Bookstore

“Intuitive Music Reading” with Dust of Soul at Mystic Journey Bookstore

08 Nov 2024

12:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

Mys­tic Jour­ney Bookstore
San­ta Mon­i­ca – Unit­ed States 

infoGet your Soul Song Chan­nel­ing in 15 min­utes. No reser­va­tion needed. 

Get your chan­neled soul song in an “Intu­itive Music Read­ing” with Dust of Soul at Mys­tic Jour­ney Book­store in San­ta Monica

from USD 49

Book­ing through 


“Dust of Soul chan­nel and per­form in a 1-on-1 read­ing in the 432 Hertz heal­ing fre­quen­cy your soul song with vocals+lyrics+piano + you have the option to upgrade to get your soul mes­sage read­ing + get your chan­neled soul song as a full fre­quen­cy spec­trum high-qual­i­ty live record­ing in a music file.”


Dust of Soul are award-win­ning intu­itive musi­cians & POSITIVE MUSIC POWER artists. Intu­itive singer Dusty & intu­itive pianist MiKey chan­nel togeth­er lyrics, vocals, piano to make the soul HEAR­able and receive messages.
Dusty is a par­a­lyz­ing brain stroke sur­vivor. Chan­nel­ing came to her as she healed her­self through music.

In their 11-year pro­fes­sion­al career as per­form­ers, Dust of Soul jour­neyed around the world (Europe, North Africa, the Ara­bi­an Penin­su­la, India) to share their orig­i­nal music to pos­i­tive­ly impact audi­ences – they even had the chance to per­form for the Sul­tan of Oman in the cap­i­tal city’s Mus­cat Amphitheater. 

Dust of Soul are “Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er”. As intu­itive musi­cians they cre­ate music based on ener­gy. As for singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble (pro­fes­sion­al­ly known as “Dusty”), this comes from a mirac­u­lous event she expe­ri­enced just one week before my 30th birth­day when she became a par­al­ized brain stroke vic­tim. In this exact moment, she gave her­self the promise to fol­low her inner voice. Through this promise she healed with­in three days only through the vibra­tion of her own voice. She expe­ri­enced first hand that music is pure heal­ing. Today, she devotes every minute of her life to music. It became her pur­pose to share music from her heart with the world. Because ever since the brain stroke, she has the abil­i­ty to chan­nel melodies and lyrics in ses­sions and per­for­mances right at the spot. 

Togeth­er with pianist Michael Oder­matt (pro­fes­sion­al­ly known as “MiKey”), who has the abil­i­ty to play the piano intu­itive­ly from ear­ly child­hood through grow­ing up in a dra­mat­ic fam­i­ly envi­ron­ment, Dust of Soul have estab­lished a nat­ur­al way of “read­ing” ener­gy of the room and every­one present and “reflect­ing” it with music in a vocal-piano performance.

They came to under­stand that this is a very pow­er­ful way of cre­at­ing music as it gives peo­ple impor­tant insights about their soul, encour­ages them to lis­ten to their heart, and take steps towards heal­ing and grow­ing spiritually.
More and more peo­ple and even sci­ence now comes to the under­stand­ing of the impor­tance of vibra­tion and frequency. 

For Dust of Soul it is their absolute mis­sion to cre­ate “soul songs” for big audi­ences, groups of peo­ple, and indi­vid­u­als in one-on-one ses­sions, that will sup­port their heal­ing jour­ney and re-align them with their soul’s pur­pose when­ev­er they need it. Lis­ten­ing to our own “soul song” help our cells to pick up our own soul’s vibra­tion so we become more aware and dis­cov­er our high­est self. 

“Liv­ing from the soul” cre­ates a whole new expe­ri­ence for everyone.


Dust of Soul Channeled Soul Songs
Dust of Soul, Chan­neled Soul Songs


Poster by Mys­tic Jour­ney
  • “Intuitive Music Reading” with Dust of Soul presented by Mystic Journey Bookstore

One-on-one read­ings

from USD 49

Book­ing through 

USD 49 (15 minutes)
Soul Song Channeling
+ Soul Mes­sage Read­ing from Song Lyrics
USD 98 (30 minutes)
Soul Song Channeling
+ Soul Mes­sage Read­ing from Song Lyrics
+ Chakra Balancing
USD 155 (45 minutes)
Soul Song Channeling
+ Soul Mes­sage Read­ing from Song Lyrics
+ Chakra Balancing
+ Body Activation


Mys­tic Jour­ney Bookstore
2923 Main Street
San­ta Monica
CA 90405

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Intuitive Music Reading

Host­ed by
Mys­tic Jour­ney Bookstore

Mystic Journey Bookstore Santa Monica


Mys­tic Jour­ney Bookstore
2923 Main Street
90405 San­ta Monica
Unit­ed States

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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