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Hol­i­day Mar­ket fea­tur­ing Intu­itive Music Read­ing in Downey

Holiday Market featuring Intuitive Music Reading in Downey

08 Dec 2024

11:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Lla­ma­da Office
Downey – Unit­ed States 

infoFree event

Get your chan­neled soul song at the Hol­i­day Mar­ket in Downey


Pow­ered by 

Hol­i­day Market

Treat your­self to deli­cious food and refresh­ing drinks while you shop. Sup­port over 20+ Small Busi­ness­es by find­ing hol­i­day gifts or your­self a gift. We have read­ers and heal­ers to pro­vide ser­vices for the mind, body, and heart. We have mak­ers of acces­sories, all nat­ur­al prod­ucts, can­dles and much more.

Enjoy deli­cious micheaguas and mex­i­can cui­sine while you shop over 20 Small Busi­ness­es all in one place. Busi­ness­es range from ser­vices and prod­ucts with unique offer­ings and style. Food and Bev­er­age ven­dors have joined the fes­tiv­i­ties sell­ing Tacos, Burit­tos, Que­sadil­las, Agua Fres­cas and Chamoy Candies. 

We have crafters of pet acces­sories, bags, mats, dream catch­ers, crys­tals and so much more. We have mak­ers of all nat­ur­al skin­care prod­ucts, can­dles, soap, etc. Browse through a vari­ety of small busi­ness­es sell­ing unique gifts, crafts, and good­ies that will bring delight.

Tat­too and Nail Artists will be offer­ing spe­cials in pri­vate rooms. Read­ers and Heal­ers will be inside and out­side the office for ses­sions in ener­gy, tarot, astrol­o­gy, medi­umship, and more. Aura Pho­tog­ra­phy will be avail­able as well. Find the per­fect hol­i­day gifts or treat your­self to a gift. This is an opp­por­tu­ni­ty to treat the mind, body, and heart and then give that gift to anoth­er for the holiday.

We will be host­ing DUST OF SOUL who can chan­nel your soul song dur­ing the mar­ket. You don’t want to miss these unique ven­dors all in one place out­side and inside for your convenience. 


Dust of Soul chan­nel and per­form your Soul Song with vocals, lyrics and piano in the heal­ing fre­quen­cy of 432 Hertz live in the ses­sion and record it.
The lyrics of the song are the mes­sages from your soul. After the per­for­mance you receive a soul mes­sage read­ing from singing psy­chic medi­um Sask­ia based on the images she saw AND from psy­chic pianist Michael Ange­les based on the impres­sions he got through his piano-playing.
After the ses­sion you receive your Soul Song and you can always lis­ten to it again to re-align with your nat­ur­al soul vibra­tional fre­quen­cy. Because when you vibrate in your fre­quen­cy, you are strong, clear, healthy, suc­cess­ful, abun­dant, and happy.

Mar­ket opens at 11:00 p.m.
Mar­ket ends at 4:00 p.m.

Your Soul Has A Song


Dust of Soul Channeled Soul Songs
Dust of Soul, Chan­neled Soul Songs


Poster by Col­ors of Spir­i­tu­al­i­tywww.instagram.com/colors.ofspirituality
  • Holiday Market in Downey featuring Intuitive Music Reading - Soul Song Channeling



The orga­niz­er informs: This is a free event.


Hol­i­day Market
10556 Para­mount Blvd., Downey, CA 90241

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Intuitive Music Reading

Hol­i­day Market

Holiday Market Organizer


Lla­ma­da Office
10556 Para­mount Blvd.
90241 Downey
Unit­ed States

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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