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HEAL Online Expo 2024

HEAL Online Expo 2024

19 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024

All Day 

infoReg­is­ter FREE

Break­ing Bar­ri­ers, Bust­ing Myths and Bring­ing You Tomorrow’s Heal­ing Tech­nol­o­gy Today


Book­ing through

Intro­duc­ing HEAL

Dis­cov­er proven non-tox­ic, chem­i­cal-free meth­ods for pain man­age­ment, reverse aging and dis­ease pre­ven­tion from experts in the field of nat­ur­al healing…
Learn how your own thoughts are impact­ing your immune sys­tem and affect­ing your abil­i­ty to heal dur­ing this unfor­get­table online experience.

Your Body’s Abil­i­ty to Heal is Greater Than Any­one Has Allowed You to Believe

Join us start­ing August 19th for a sci­en­tif­ic and ener­getic jour­ney to dis­cov­er how your thoughts and beliefs affect your abil­i­ty to heal, learn nat­ur­al immune boost­ing strate­gies, sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly proven drug-free reverse aging tools, stem cell regen­er­a­tion, expe­ri­ence ener­gy heal­ing and more!

Dur­ing HEAL you will expe­ri­ence the heal­ing wis­dom of our world-class experts com­bined with high-fre­quen­cy divine energy.

You’ll learn how to stop sim­ply treat­ing the symp­toms and start heal­ing from the inside out. Our inten­tion is to bring you some­thing so unique and pro­found that you are cer­tain to imme­di­ate­ly feel a heal­ing shift in your body, mind and spirit.

Are you ready for a life­time of bet­ter health?


Intro­duc­ing Dust of Soul

Dust of Soul are award-win­ning musi­cians: psy­chic medi­um & singer Dusty and high-vibra­tional pianist MiKey. They chan­nel as a duo in the 432 Hertz heal­ing fre­quen­cy intu­itive soul songs for large audi­ences, groups and indi­vid­u­als. They both use their soul intu­ition to tap into your ener­gy and cre­ate a musi­cal jour­ney that is tai­lored just for you with mes­sages from the soul in the song lyrics. This expe­ri­ence is unlike any oth­er and promis­es to leave you feel­ing refreshed, ener­gized and con­nect­ed in the 5th dimension. 

Singer Dusty expe­ri­enced a mirac­u­lous event when she healed only through the vibra­tion of her voice from a par­al­iz­ing brain stroke. Ever since she chan­nels as a psy­chic medi­um intu­itive melodies and lyrics in her musi­cal per­for­mances live at the spot togeth­er with MiKey’s high-vibra­tional piano-playing. 

Dust of Soul were fea­tured in numer­ous news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, pod­casts, radio sta­tions & tv shows around the world and per­formed more than 200 shows on four con­ti­nents – in the Unit­ed States, India, Oman, North Africa, Europe (Ger­many, France, Italy, Liecht­en­stein, Switzer­land) and Turkey – with an inter­na­tion­al­ly grow­ing com­mu­ni­ty on social media of more than 220,000 peo­ple. Dust of Soul were fea­tured as the first Swiss musi­cians to per­form for “MTV Unplugged” and appeared with a per­for­mance for the roy­al fam­i­ly of Oman ded­i­cat­ing their chan­neled song to the Sul­tan at the Mus­cat Amphithe­ater. Their web­site is:

HEAL Online Expo starts August 19th, 2024
HEAL Online Expo ends August 30th, 2024


Poster by The
  • HEAL Online Expo 2024
  • HEAL Online Expo 2024
    Speak­er Schedule
  • HEAL Online Expo 2024
    Speak­ers Dust of Soul



Book­ing through


San­dra Biskind

Offi­cial invitation

Spon­sors & Partners

We’ll make your key­board dreams come true… Guar­an­teed! In the show­room in Switzer­land
Dust of Soul Pow­ered by Tastenträ

Tastenträume Piano Partner of Dust of Soul

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er
Dust of Soul

Intuitive Music Reading

Host­ed by




Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

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