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Milanese «Gior­nale Met­ro­pol­i­tano» about fash­ion show after party

31 May 2014

The con­cert per­for­mance of Dust of Soul at the VIP evening par­ty of haute cou­ture design­er «Cle­ofe Finati» by Arche­tipo inspired the Milanese dai­ly news­pa­per «Gior­nale Met­ro­pol­i­tano» to write about Dust of Soul

A Very Glam Evening event in the pic­turesque Ter­raz­za Mar­ti­ni of Milan – this is the head­line of the Ital­ian news­pa­per «Gior­nale Met­ro­pol­i­tano» writ­ing about the fash­ion show of the 2015 col­lec­tion and the VIP cel­e­bra­tion event of the fash­ion house Cle­ofe Finati by Arche­tipo. The glam­orous event hap­pened after the fash­ion show 2015 at Sposa Italia in the unique loca­tion of the Ter­raz­za Mar­ti­ni, where one can enjoy a breath­tak­ing panoram­ic view on the most glam­orous and met­ro­pol­i­tan city’s heart of Milan.

Gior­nale Metropolitano

Many sur­pris­es were pre­sent­ed dur­ing the evening: the mag­ic of the Wiz­ard Enter­tain­ment Flip, the Ital­ian musi­cians Mocam­bo Swing, and Vit­to­rio Cen­trone, the Bel­gian singer Manuel Palo­mo, and the Swiss duo Dust of Soul, which involved and excit­ed the guests of the evening with their art. All of them inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned musi­cians as well as dear friends of the house, who have cho­sen to become ambas­sadors of the style Cle­ofe Finati by Arche­tipo wear­ing the cre­ations for their con­certs and per­for­mances. As the high­light at the end of the day was Dust of Soul for­tu­nate to be the spe­cial sur­prise: Vocal­ist Dusty began to sing a cap­pel­la in the stair­case con­nect­ing the two floors of Ter­raz­za Mar­ti­ni to get togeth­er all the guests and cel­e­brate the new mile­stone of Arche­tipo once and for all. The two song per­for­mances were crowned with an espe­cial­ly for the occa­sion writ­ten song by Dust of Soul devot­ed to the Arche­tipo team: “Pas­sion”. A short song that tells about pas­sion for fash­ion and the great­ly appre­ci­at­ed val­ues Dust of Soul sees in Archetipo.

«Cre­at­ing one­self brings with it the achieve­ment of many mile­stones. Some of them are not even noticed by the cre­ator. But when we decide to cel­e­brate an achieve­ment every­thing becomes vis­i­ble. Even the small­est detail begins to attract our atten­tion. These are after all the great­est moments to enjoy and the ones that inspire us the most.»

— Dust of Soul

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